Monday, 25 March 2013

DFP Cohart 9 Graduation
“Education is the most
Powerful weapon
We can use to
Change the world”
-----Nelson Mandela
Before going to tell about my Graduation in DFP, I would like to say somthing about Education. And because of  education only today I am here. As per my view Education is an essential and a very important step in everybody's life. Mr.Nelson Mandela said, "Education is like weapon which we can use to change the world. It’s not saying that to lead a life Education only the Weapon to live a person". Really! Some of us might have realiesed in our past life.
After an education everyone have to move ahead towreds thier proffetional life. Getting in to Proffetional life itself say that, expressing our thoughts, knowledge, applying our skills and implementing an idieas in to an organisation and look forward for ours company development and as well as ours personal growth. once we start implement these all that is the actual completion of an education. And also we can enhance our knowledge in terms of everything.
Aha! Graduation Ceremany"... Is a custome of Deshpande Foundation to organize for out going fellows after their course. Similorly we have organized for ours Cohart 8 fellows and now ours juniors are arganizing for us. 
On 13th March our co-fellows were organized the Graduation Ceremony and Mr.Navven Jha and Mrs.Neelam were the quest for an enaghgration. This was a great day for me, I have received “The Best Authentic” award by Mr. Naveen Jha and Mrs.Neelam infront of my parents. And the second wonderthing and unforgettable thing was getting job into Deshpande Foundation as a Program associate for DFP Program and finally I have become one of the member of DF.
Journy has started a family member of DF is on 10th March 2013. 

“Students life is golden life” as I know that  

Monday, 7 January 2013

     Fundraising Event   

29th Decembar 2012

    In Gaddanakeri,Bagalakot (Dist)  
We are fellows of the Deshpande Fellowship Program, we conducted fund raising event on 29, Dec at Gaddankeri village, Bagalkot (Dist) about "Gokarnada Goudashani" from prisoners to help HIV infected children for their education. The participants across from Gaddankeri, Gaddankeri cross Gaddankeri Thanda, Mrunal, Seemikeri and Tulasigeri and also in this Drama more than 1200 people participated and first time happened at Bagalkot district.

We called to prisoners for conducting drama. The prisoners supported us to promote education to the HIV infected children. They also gave financial support to the organizer. Before going to organize an event we discussed with the gaddankeri, gaddankeri Tanda, Seemikeri, Tulasigeri, Gaddankeri crass and Bagalokot citizens. And we gave information about the event and HIV infected children. The people also supported us to conduct an event and also they supported with financially. The gaddankeri people were co-operating with our team, really fundraising event has gave lots of experience us to conduct an event.

We went for raise fund through the GroupWise. Every day we made group  and we kept each group two members. Every day we have faced so many problems and also we have taken all problems as a challenging, at end of the every day, we discussed with the all  groups. At  discussion, we gave opportunity for share their learning , what are the challenges they faced, how much fund they collected and how was the co-ordination with group and we gave feedback to all the groups for how  to approach to the funders and how to take all negative thoughts as a positive thoughts.

 For raising fund we have selected cause to promote education and basic needs of HIV infected children. Because Bagalkot district has so many HIV people. Children’s has got HIV infect from their parents. Who has got HIV infect, they were not getting education and basic needs. Therefore, we selected this cause for giving education support to them. Through the conducting this event, we have learnt lots of things. We have learnt organize an event, convincing to the people, know the value of money, Managing of Accounts, gathering crowd, team work, approaching to the funders, distributing work to groups, patience and along with learning we have faced some challenges also for  organizing an event and Raise Fund. We have met Bagalkot sub-central jail and we discussed with jail super dent Vijayroadkart this also one of the learning.    
The Fund Raising event was a big opportunity for us to learn many more about Raise Fund and organize an event. It was an excellent learning for us as above 1200 people got benefit of watch Dharwad Jail Prisoners Drama. We got Grand Success in this event. It was first time happened Drama by prisoners and first time gathered more than 1200 people in the history of Gaddankeri, and also our event was covered News channels of Suvarna and Public TV. Thanks to all group members for put their outstanding effort for grand success of event. Special thanks to Mr.Prashanth Deshpande and Mr.Abhinandan for support during event. 

                                 Ours group membars,
                                                  Ms.Shyla and